Monday, April 28, 2014

Fibs in Math Class

To celebrate Poetry Month and collaborate with my team's English teacher, Mrs. Dizazzo, we wrote Fibs in math class. 

I am not sure when I learned about Fibs, however, a simple Google search will bring up several bits of information such as the New York Times article, 

Fibonacci Poems Multiply on the Web After Blog's Invitation
by Motoko Rich and The Fib Review

In general, a mathematical fib is a poem where the number of syllables in each line corresponds to the Fibonacci sequence. For example, the first line contains one syllable word.  The second line also contains a one syllable word.  Line three contains two syllables which can be made from one word or more.  Line four contains three syllables, line five contains eight syllables, line six contains 13 and so the sequence continues.  

Here is a student example from this year.....

Notice the number of syllables in each line of the fib follows the Fibonacci sequence of 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 13. This student could have continued but writing a poem in this sequence is not as easy as it may seem.  Try for yourself:)

Here is a series of other Fibs written by my 2013-2014 seventh graders.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Brain Dumps in Class

We are melding all of our knowledge about slope.  This is worrying at times because there is so much to relate.  Will the students remember?  Can they make the connections?  Can they relate?

Today they did their first "brain dump."  I started off with simply listing two coordinate pairs of (4, 5) and (10, 8).  I then closed my eyes and asked students to write.  This is what they came up with.....

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Discussing Nutrition in Math Class

Discussing nutrition in math class was a great way to connect rates, unit rates and ratios to the real-world.  Thanks Mathalicious!
Drawing students into the discussion with Lebron James and Larry Bird (yes, students recognized him) was a plus. But then we threw in Selina Gomez, Justin Timberlake and Abby Wombach.  We quickly learned that Selina needs to work twice as hard as Lebron to burn her calories.....poor Selina.  What about Sumo wrestlers?
Classes then ventured to McDonalds and how long it would take to burn the calories of of various  menu items when certain exercises were used.  Surprising to many was the idea that sitting actually burns calories.  Happy to see students bringing in their learning from science class to reason through this one.
We left class wondering if and how school menus could be changed.  A topic up for debate.
Blog Post one Team Jordan 7th grader......
Restaurants and school cafeterias should display the amount of exercise is needed to burn off the calories that is in the food that consumers eat. Putting the calories in each food and how much exercise is necessary to burn off those calories is going to affect what and how much people order form restaurants because if a certain food is a lot of calories, then the consumer might be discouraged by how much exercise they would have to do to burn all of those calories. This would eliminate many high-calorie foods. On the other hand, if a food is low-calorie, then the consumer would be happy that it doesn’t require as much exercise to burn it off, therefore the sales of low-calorie foods would probably increase by a significant margin.  Lots of people would hesitate and back away from the high-calorie foods, but low-calorie foods might become more popular. If restaurants wrote their menus in terms of exercise needed to burn off the calories, then that would probably affect people even more because they have a better understanding on how much and what kind of exercise is needed to burn all of those calories, rather than just putting the calories on the menus.
If school cafeterias posted the calories of their foods, I don’t think it will make that much of a difference. First of all, the average student doesn’t know how many calories they’re supposed to consume, and they should already know that school food isn’t that healthy in the first place, so putting the calories on there would really matter that much. If schools started to post how much exercises is needed to burn off those calories, they might think twice about eating some foods, but again, I don’t think this impacts younger people that much. Most students do some kind of exercise or recreational activity, so they’re already getting the exercise they need.
However, all of this would depend on what kind of body-type you have. People that weigh more actually have and easier time losing calories than light people. A person burns 0.063 cal/lb playing basketball, 0.076 cal/lb playing soccer, and 0.019 cal/lb walking.   A person that weighs 125lbs (like Selena Gomez) would burn 7.875 cal/min playing basketball, 9.5 cal/min playing soccer, and 2.375 cal/min walking. Now, let’s analyze a person that weighs 250lbs (like LeBron James) burns 15.75 cal/min playing basketball, 19 cal/min playing soccer, and 4.75 cal/min walking. So, if you want to burn more calories, you need to gain weight, double the exercise you’re doing, or change to a different exercise that burns more calories per pound.
Now, I will inform you about how much exercise is needed to burn off some of calories in certain foods. If LeBron James, or a person that is 250lbs, ate a Big Mac, he would burn the 550 calories in it in 35 minutes playing basketball, 29 minutes playing soccer, and 116 minutes just walking. If he ate a salad without dressing, which is 20 calories, he would burn all of that 1.3 minutes playing basketball. 1 minute playing soccer, and 4.2 minutes walking.
Different activities burn more calories than others. For example, bowling burns 0.023 cal/lb, golfing burns 0.033 cal/lb, and swimming burns 0.064 cal/lb. Ice skating burns 0.053 cal/lb, tennis burns 0.061 cal/lb, and weight training 0.039 cal/lb. As you can see,  different activities can burn more calories than other activities. Swimming burns twice as many calories as golfing. Even sitting burns calories! It burns 0.009 cal/lb.
In conclusion restaurants should, but schools shouldn’t post the calories of each food. The time to burn the calories doing some exercise probably should for both though.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

HBMS Thoughts on Texting & Driving

A simple homework assignment on rates and ratios that turned out to be so much more.....

After a class activity (thanks Mathalicious), Team Jordan 7th graders were asked "Do you think texting while driving should be legal or illegal?"  

Students provided responses which were beyond my expectations. Here are two samples of the many that were completed...

From "Roan"

From "Walter"

Monday, March 17, 2014

Why Is Math So...?

Over the course of the summer, educators enjoy the glorious weather but also spend time preparing for the upcoming year.  This often entails reviewing curriculum, aligning assessments to standards, adjusting procedures and reflecting on what was successful from years past.  Educators will often take on the job of creating new, challenging and exciting tasks which they cannot wait to present to students.  And as many educators know, the newly designed work can quickly seem like wasted time spent when the time comes to present it to the students.

The task is distributed, the teacher is excited and the class is bursting with energy.  Unfortunately, the energy is talk about lunch, the school dance or what is happening next weekend.  The teacher will patrol the classroom and quickly find that students do not care about unit cost, cost comparisons and the best deal; they don’t even do the grocery shopping.  The complaint which can be heard throughout the classroom, “Why do you make math so pointless?”

The goal for educators  is certainly not based on turning students off from mathematics.  In fact it is quite the opposite.  There is the never ending hunt and challenge of creating daily lessons which spark enthusiasm, intrigue and excitement in the eyes of every student in the classroom.  However, there is often the roadblock of students who just don’t care about the math.  They have no desire to make efforts to learn about the mathematics and see no point in persevering through useless problems on cross products, linear equations or proportional reasoning.  These are the students who speak their minds, “Why do you make math so boring?”

There are also the cases when a task initially excites students but then something happens and the students give up.  This can happen for some of the reasons noted earlier but also can occur when a task is seen as too easy or too hard. Students will quickly give up on a task when they come to the realization that they have a few days to complete it and really only need one class period. This means plenty of play time.  On the other hand there are the students who just can’t wrap their heads around the task and aren’t quite sure where to start.  In their minds, they shouldn’t bother to waste time on the task.   The complaints that are shared all stem from, “Why do you make math so difficult? Can’t we just do problems from the book?”

For educators these are the dreaded questions which they have worked on diminishing via their summer work.  Now they have come to a place where there is frustration and a feeling of giving up. “Why not assign 25 problems from the textbook?  Students will be happier and I will have saved months of wasted time.”

For these educators, keep in mind the goals of inspiring these young minds and preparing them for the world beyond the classroom.  Accepting the challenge of turning math into a meaningful, exciting, and pertinent subject for all students is the focus.  The question is, “How can this be done?”

First and foremost, remember that not all students are going to love every lesson created.  However, try creating a survey asking student about their interests and hobbies. Ask students to take a multiple intelligence test to determine who is sitting in the room.  Is the class full of interpersonal students who tend to be musical?  Or is the class full of intrapersonal students who are focused on the environment? Use the results to form mathematical lessons around the make-up of the students.  Or to make it even easier, use problems from a math textbook as the foundation.

Take out the math textbook.  Choose a problem which students have shown an interest in the past.  Analyze this problem and determine how it can be changed from a closed, one-answer problem to an open ended problem which allows students to be creative in their solutions. Instead of asking students to determine the area of 12 foot by 13 foot room ask students to design a dream room (or a combination of rooms or even an entire floor plan) and be prepared to discuss the dimensions and make-up of the design.  Leave it open as to how students create the room and share their design.  Some may choose good old paper and pencil while others may turn to technology.  The artists in the classroom are going to add their creative touches and the mathematicians are going to bring out the precision. 

Of course there is still going to be the student who is complaining.  Pull this student aside. Talk with this student and get to the bottom of the complaint.  Work with this student to redesign the task so make it pertinent to them.  Are they interested in a skateboarding?  Design a skateboard park.  Interested in horseback riding?  Design a new arena. Don’t take “it is boring” as an answer.  Make this task one which they have vested interest in.  In the end, make it a point to showcase this student’s work.  Students will see the willingness to make math connected to their lives and the creativity will start flying.

The most challenging aspect of this type of task is student adjustment.  Students are accustomed to being told what to do and how to do it.  By letting go of the reins, they will struggle with less parameters and the openness of the task.  However, the result students who are excited about the mathematics take pride in their work and ownership in the task.  A boring, unrelated and challenging problem can be redesigned to become exciting, pertinent and focused on the individual in a matter or minutes; say hello to summer again.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Modeling Mathematics

A constant ponder amongst educations is why so many students have trouble learning mathematics.  At the start of the year, a common teacher practice is taking a student inventory and it is sad to say that there are responses which include “I can’t do math.”  Whether or not this is true is another topic of discussion but one can say that many students make this statement based on the fact that they struggle with learning mathematics. 

One the best tools for struggling students is to provide concrete and visual representations to supplement the abstract concepts which are taught at the middle level.  Concrete representations may include pattern blocks, unit cubes, 3D models, fraction bars, balance scales, colored counters and other items which students can manipulate during the mathematical process.  Visual representations may include area models, graphs, number lines, tables, and diagrams.  And with classrooms being filled with 21st century tools, the usage of technology cannot be forgotten when looking for resources for visualization in mathematics.

The goal of exposing students to visualization tools is to support them in developing efficient and effective strategies when working with abstract mathematics.  This is not to say that teachers expose students to one tool and quickly revert to the abstract.  Providing students with a multitude of visuals where they are asked to apply, create and prove their mathematical work over and over develops a strong foundation for the learner. This means asking students to take ownership in the visualization of mathematics and creating deep roots of understanding long before moving onto the abstract usage of mathematical symbols.

Monday, March 3, 2014


With the transition to the Common Core and a recent session at the IMPACT Center at Plymouth State University, perseverance has come into the fore front of my teaching and planning.  What does it mean for students to persevere in the math classroom? How can we teach this to students?  How can our lessons, activities, instruction and curriculum encompass this idea of perseverance?

The quick and easy answer here is problem solving.  Ask teachers how to challenge students and the likely response will include problem solving.  Check in with directors of mathematical instruction and surely problem solving will arise as a focus or solution in one way or another.  However, problem solving does not appear to be a simple answer for developing and promoting perseverance in our students.  In reality problem solving is what makes our students throw their hands in the air. One could say problem solving is the anti-perseverance.

Engaging students in the problem solving process can be described as exploring, examining, applying, testing, reflecting and developing conjectures. Students are given mathematical problem upon problem with the dream that consistent exposure will develop student understanding and mathematical skills needed for the real-world. The emphasis becomes cooperative learning, active participation and investigations that build new knowledge. Again, where does the habit of perseverance come into play? It is expected but how is it taught?

Perseverance is commitment, hard work, patience and endurance. Perseverance is a willingness to try and try again.  Check Webster’s online dictionary and you will see perseverance defined as a “continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition: the action or condition or an instance of persevering.”  How do we incorporate this into our mathematical classrooms?  We expect it and want students to develop this as one of their very own habits of mind but as teachers we need to teach this.

There is not a quick and simple answer to teaching perseverance.  It is not going to magically happen in one class or even in one year. As educators we can only model, expose and encourage this habit regularly and regularly.  Here are some suggestions on how to develop perseverance:

  • Give students non-routine problems which may appear impossible.
  • Let students wonder and inquire for extended times. Refrain from giving out the correct answer.  Prolong the awe and wonderment for classes, days and even weeks.
  • Allow students to share observations and build off one another’s reasoning.  Let students support and argue the findings of another. 
  • Ask questions and expect students to prove themselves.  Expect convincing arguments.
  • Let students experience failure.  It is okay for students to take a risk and find out that was the wrong route to take.
  • Work with students and show them that you don’t have all the answers.  Model the process of learning together.

Perseverance….the habit of mind which teachers are expected to teach must persevere to perfect.