Friday, March 13, 2015

Self-Care: Avoiding Burnout #fried

"Yes, that is me."

Reading Fried (2011), I had a hard time putting it down. I found myself saying, "Yes, that is me" over and over again. According to the results of the Kiersey’s temperament assessment (2010), my temperament is that of a 40%-45% of the population, the Inspector. Inspectors' needs lend to complaints of being tired, drained and stressed. Inspectors can take actions to avoid stressors, gain back control of their emotions and avoid the preventable disease of burnout via self-care.

There is not a one size fits all technique for reducing stress but yoga, mediation, retreats and other non-medical forms of self-care as techniques for training one's attention and awareness to help bring thoughts under control (Guttenberg, 2013). Disengaging from the external factors and looking internally to develop feelings, beliefs and actions, which benefit the body’s growth, are ways to develop as a healthy leader but more importantly to develop a healthy soul. To reduce stress and focus on a healthy body, I will practice yoga, chiropractic care and acupuncture a minimum of three times a week.

Edenfield and Saeed (2012) state that mindfulness, the act of bringing external and internal factors to one's attention, has been shown to effect stress reduction and reduce negative mood states, and improve the emotional well-being of individuals with chronic physical illnesses. " Improving attention, awareness, acceptance, and compassion may facilitate more flexible and adaptive responses to stress" thereby improving the health, life satisfaction, well-being and overall quality of life (Edenfield & Saeed, 2012). To focus on mindfulness and reduce negativity, I will not only incorporate my yoga practice back into my schedule but also use my compassion meditation app on my iPhone a minimum of three times a week.

Finding the balance of giving to others and giving to oneself is not an easy task, especially for the idealists who take on more and more. In essence, the appearance of selflessness is an individual’s search to be right, feel accepted and be rewarded; ego fulfillment. It is this energy draining, idealistic, ego fulfilling vision in life that lends to burnout. The ideal is to move from serving one's own ego to recognizing the limits of life and serving one's soul. To transition from the stressed idealistic woman, I am going to set out a block of time daily where I focus on me. Time where I rest, eat a healthy meal, spend time alone, avoid social media and simply focus on myself. The goal is to “put the oxygen mask on” and transition from ego fulfilling to "selfish" actions.

Mama Gena is quoted in Fried (2011) as saying, "You don't revive from burnout by thinking about it and reflecting on your problems." Instead individuals should focus on changing their minds and feelings; cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) (Borysenko, 2011). Through strategies such as self-talking and writing about feelings, thoughts, beliefs and actions, individuals can use CBT to transform their frame of mind, the way they feel and their action despite a lack of change in external factors. With this in mind, I have set a goal of journaling at least three times a week, using the Day One application, to write about my feelings, thoughts and beliefs with the intent of changing negative feelings, actions and stress to a positive sense of being.

"Learning to care for yourself is an art" (Borysenko, 2011, p. 116). Much of this contributes to the fact that the speed of life certainly has changed. As life progresses there appears to be less and less time. Keeping up with the Joneses is not an easy task and one which sets individuals up for failure and even burnout. Instead take the time to keep up with yourself and understand that "When you come to the end of the rope, tie a knot and start climbing" (Borysenko, 2011 p. 144).


Borysenko, J. (2011). Fried: Why you burn out and how to revive. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House.

Edenfield, T. M., & Saeed, S. A. (2012). An update on mindfulness meditation as a self-help treatment for anxiety and depression. Psychology research and behavior management, 5, 131.

Guttenberg, K. (2013, May22). Yoga, meditation benefit both brain and body [Blog post]. Retrieved from

Personality Test - Keirsey Temperament Website. (2010). Personality Test - Keirsey Temperament Website. Retrieved July 25, 2014, from

Friday, March 6, 2015

Quantitative Analysis: Perspective as a Researcher and Scholar

According to Creswell (2012), the quantitative researcher describes a research problem through a description of trends or a need for an explanation of the relationship among variables. Initially the researcher relies greatly on the literary reviews so as to develop a strong backing as to why the research is important and necessary. Quantitative researchers create questions and look to find the answers to these questions. Once the necessity of the research is developed it is these researchers who rely on standardized methodologies of data collection to create statistical models where numeric data can be analyzed and correlations can be identified amongst variables.

One of the challenges for a practicing researcher is the background knowledge and skill one must have to effectively use the quantitative method. A thorough understanding of statistical knowledge and the process by which statistical data needs to be analyzed is not necessarily a skill mastered by a practicing researcher. This makes me wonder where I will be in terms of my research having had no practice with the methods learned within this course other than the practice within the course itself. Will I be prepared?

In the beginning, the terminology, the software and the APA formatting were unknowns; I had a great deal of work to accomplish before meeting any of the learning outcomes or course objectives. Right from the very beginning with the basics of SPSS and the management of data, my learning expanded. Follow that with the descriptive analyses, correlational analyses and the studying of hypotheses and one can say my researching skills went from null to ready to practice. However, the evaluation of the CRISS Project made me realize I have so much more to learn. Will my research results be at this level? Will I be able to handle the variations, which I encounter?

As I began the initial work with this course, the statistical software and the readings by Creswell, I was certain the quantitative work was not going to be a good fit for my research as it relates to students and education. Even in my initial epistemology paper, I noted that the quantitative researcher purely focused on numerical data with the objective of testing theories and hypotheses; refraining from personal interactions or descriptive analyses. This just did not seem to be the right fit for me; students are more than numbers and statistical data.

As the final weeks of learning related to quantitative analyses arrived, my mindset began to change as I studied the various philosophies associated with the style of research. One specific philosophy which helped me to realize quantitative research does not rely on absolution of numbers if that of post-positivism which is described as “A deterministic philosophy in which causes probably determine effects or outcomes. Thus, the problems studied by post-positivists reflect a need to examine causes that influence outcomes, such as issues examined in experiments ”(Creswell, 2012, p. 7). Good research within this paradigm is described by Mertens (2009, p. 12, as cited in Christians, 2005, p. 159) as “Intellectual honesty, the suppression of personal bias, careful collection and accurate reporting of data, and candid admission of the limits of the scientific reliability of empirical studies.” Post-positivistic researchers make major assumptions regarding reality and truth which develop from reading literacy as a variable of interest and use a quantitative measure of that variable, awareness of the need to eliminate alternative explanations and he application of statistics to data to support claim within a certain level of probability (Mertens, 2009, p. 14). The post-positivists concur that a reality does exist, but argue it can be known only imperfectly because of the researcher’s human limitations. Quantitative researchers can discover “reality” within a certain of probability. They cannot “prove” a theory, but they can make a stronger case by eliminating alternative explanations (Mertens, 2009). A realization for me that quantitative research is recognized as having limits in social sciences.

Knowing the limitations the quantitative research, I think back on my initial epistemology paper where researchers Johnson and Onwuegbuzie (2004) suggest taking a non-purist approach, specifically in the area of educational research. It is these researchers who recognize the mixed method of research as the perfect balance in overcoming the individual weaknesses of quantitative and qualitative methodologies. I look forward to studying the qualitative methodologies and philosophies to see how they may balance the limitations of the quantitative research. Will the qualitative research bring the human connection to my research and provide me with the perfect mix?

Quantitative research, although it did not appear to be the “right” method for me turned out to be more of a match than expected. Having a math background, I enjoy the number aspect of this method. Looking at data and the story, which can be developed from the analyses, is a mathematicians joy. However, the teacher in me also knows that behind this data is reality and truth; there is always another side to the data which must be considered. As a researcher and scholar, I think it is important that these two various views be recognized in research. In the end I have appreciated learning about all aspects of quantitative research, however, I look forward to developing as a well-rounded researcher who is aware of all methodologies and philosophies to provide sound research to education.


Creswell, J.W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Johnson, R. B., & Onwuegbuzie, A. J. (2004). "Mixed methods research: A research paradigm whose time has come." Educational Researcher, 33(7), 14-26.

Mertens, D.M. (2009). Research and Evaluation in Education and Psychology: Integrating Diversity With Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods. Retrieved from:

Pole, K., (2007). "Mixed method designs: A review of strategies for blending quantitative and qualitative methodologies." Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 20(4), 35-38.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Reflecting on the Week

What Inspires You?

As I sit today wondering how to inspire readers, I find my mind straying away from the task at hand. I should be writing about the upcoming NCTM Annual Meeting coming to Boston, the anxiety teachers are feeling in regards to the Smarter Balanced Assessment, the continuing pressure on the continuance of the CCSSM, the middle school math contest, the recent state STEM task force report, and the question of whether STEM should become STEAM. Dr. Magnus provided so many suggestions but I just can’t focus on these topics. My mind keeps reflecting on the lessons of the week.

Eighth grade classes have been discussing relations and functions. They have ventured into determining if a relation is a function from a set of ordered pairs, and even via the vertical line test. A quick assessment and yes, they are getting it. We move on to identifying domain and range. A quick assessment and yes, they are getting this too. Continuous and discrete graphs? That’s a piece of cake too! These children are mathematical wizzes but then we move onto evaluating functions and they fizzle. Why? Students continue to struggle with the order of operations and manipulating integers. Even with the use of a calculator students struggle. How does one move on from this gap in understanding so as to lead the student towards success at the next level? A lack of mastery of previous content has become our roadblock.

Moving on, I reflect on the Algebra students. As a collaborative project, students are working on the case of the missing student. The excitement in their eyes as they encountered the mystery and learned of this assessment. “This is so much better than a quiz.” As I watched my students scattered throughout the room, I see their excitement in using math to solve the mystery. Students are collaborating, working cooperatively and managing themselves just as they would in a real-world task. As the teacher, I find myself walking around the room listening to conversations and smiling. Is this what STEAM is all about?

The week of teaching and learning had its highs and lows. Of course, I love the highs but I wouldn’t change the lows. As an educator, I take the lows as the opportunity to extend my learning as a teacher of mathematics. I reflect and look for ways to not only make the learning experience stronger for my students but also better understand the gaps in their learning. It is the gaps that provide me with the opportunity to create new lessons and bring about the “aha” moments in the classroom. Yes, the highs are wonderful and I love the adrenaline it creates but the lows inspire me to be more. What inspires you?